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With more than 5 million reviews and 1.4 million salary data from 1 million companies, kununu - part of New Work SE - has become Europe's leading employer review platform.
We believe that every person - whether actively looking for a job or simply interested in improving their working life - should be able to give and receive accurate and honest insights about companies and jobs before they start them on day one.
We believe in empowering people to choose the right job.
We believe in relevant insights into the day-to-day of a job.
Not the right one?
Senior Sales Manager (w/m/d)
Vienna Full-time employee 70 - 90K
Senior Frontend Engineer (m/f/d)
Vienna Full-time employee 40 - 75K
Business Trainer (m/w/d)
Vienna Part-time employee 35 - 45K
Software Engineer Backend Ruby on Rails (m/f/d)
Hamburg Full-time employee 50 - 65K
Senior Cloud Infrastructure Engineer (f/m/x)
Porto Full-time employee 50 - 80K