03/09/2020 | New Work SE

NEW WORK SE: Change in the Supervisory Board – Stefan Winners resigns as Chairman - Upcoming Annual General Meeting to elect successor

Hamburg, 9 March 2020 – Stefan Winners, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of NEW WORK SE (formerly XING SE), has decided to step down as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of his own accord, effective as of the end of the company's Annual General Meeting on 29 May 2020. By resigning as Chairman, Mr Winners is also entirely stepping down as a member of the supervisory body. He informed the company of this today. The NEW WORK SE Supervisory Board will convene at short notice to decide on how the supervisory body will be organised in the future. The company will submit an election proposal to the Annual General Meeting along with the agenda.

Thomas Vollmoeller, CEO at NEW WORK SE said: “Stefan Winners not only accompanied the growth trajectory at XING and NEW WORK SE, he played an active part in driving our growth. I would like to thank him for his service to our company, and for the close and trusting collaboration over the years. The entire Executive Board and I would like to wish him all the best for his future endeavours.”

Stefan Winners has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board at NEW WORK SE since May 2013. During his tenure, the company’s share price has increased more than five-fold. The number of XING members has grown from around 7 million to over 17 million, while the number of staff has increased from 560 to around 1,870 (as of the end of 2019). During that time, the company acquired six businesses.

A new Supervisory Board chair is due to be elected at the next AGM scheduled for 29 May 2020.

The NEW WORK SE Group builds upon the XING SE success story by offering brands, products and services that foster a more fulfilling world of work. Founded by Lars Hinrichs as the OpenBC professional network, the company was renamed XING in 2006. In 2019, the company was renamed again to New Work SE as a reflection of its commitment to a better working world and to bring all of its business activities under the umbrella of New Work. The company has been listed on the stock exchange since 2006. NEW WORK SE is a central leadership and management holding, serving as a service department for its subsidiaries. The Group is headquartered in Hamburg and currently employs 1,900 people at offices including Munich, Vienna and Porto. Visit https://new-work.se and https://nwx.new-work.se/ for more information.

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Feel free to contact me!

Christoph Stanek

Deputy Head of Public Relations