03/10/2020 | New Work SE

NEW WORK SE Supervisory Board proposes Martin Weiss as new Chairman

Hamburg, 10 March 2020 – At today’s extraordinary meeting, the Supervisory Board at NEW WORK SE (formerly XING SE) put forward a successor to Stefan Winners, who yesterday announced his decision to step down as Chairman of the Supervisory Board as of the end of the next AGM scheduled for 29 May 2020. The Supervisory Board’s AGM invitation to shareholders will include the proposal to elect Martin Weiss, Member of the Executive Board at Hubert Burda Media, as an additional Supervisory Board member with a view to electing him Chairman if appointed.

Martin Weiss joined the Hubert Burda Media Executive Board in 2017 where he heads the group’s international business. Prior to this, Martin Weiss managed the investment business in digital companies for Hubert Burda Media.

The NEW WORK SE Group builds upon the XING SE success story by offering brands, products and services that foster a more fulfilling world of work. Founded by Lars Hinrichs as the OpenBC professional network, the company was renamed XING in 2006. In 2019, the company was renamed again to New Work SE as a reflection of its commitment to a better working world and to bring all of its business activities under the umbrella of New Work. The company has been listed on the stock exchange since 2006. NEW WORK SE is a central leadership and management holding, serving as a service department for its subsidiaries. The Group is headquartered in Hamburg and currently employs 1,900 people at offices including Munich, Vienna and Porto. Visit https://new-work.se and https://nwx.new-work.se/ for more information.

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Feel free to contact me!

Christoph Stanek

Deputy Head of Public Relations